Real-Virtual NFTs
Blockchain technology enables the simultaneous operation of real-virtual businesses.
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Blockchain technology enables the simultaneous operation of real-virtual businesses.
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Blockchain technology enables franchisers to easily and transparently write contracts with franchisees through utilizing smart contracts, and allows anyone to own and operate stores through NFTs where true ownership is proven on the blockchain.
This alleviates structural weaknesses of the traditional franchise set up, such as the complexity of the settlement process, reliability issues, and slow processing time, and enables people around the world to easily conduct their own business from anywhere and at anytime.
In the VINU SPACE, asset ownership is represented and proved through NFTs.
Land: Land is easily the most fundamental and valuable asset in the VINU SPACE. Land owners can resell their land or lease it to others for compensation. Owners of land could be franchise partners of VINU, or VNN token holders. Owners can build and develop their own space in their land, such as opening a brand's promotional space or a metaverse branch. Regular or irregular compensation for leasing Land can be obtained from the tenants according to the terms and conditions of their contracts with the owners.
Stores: Stores in the VINU SPACE have a reward structure that links the online and the offline world. The Store can be a franchise branch of a VINU partner, and the owner of the Store becomes a partner of the real world Store. Stores can be owned in two ways. Sole Ownership: One NFT, one owner. This means becoming the sole owner of the store and receiving full compensation from operations and activities. --> Fractionating: Any sole owner can fractionate their store and resell it in fractions if needed. This facilitates resale if the store's value has risen significantly. Fractional Ownership: To elevate some of the burden of solely owning a store, and to make ownership accessible to all, the fractional ownership system was introduced. Owners are able to only own as much as they want, and earn rewards corresponding to their ownership percentage. Since they are jointly owned between several individuals, fractionally-owned stores will be transparently operated through a DAO governance to ensure the fair distribution of proceeds to all owners.